Making Complex Physics Understandable

gradV produces crisp, quantitatively accurate graphics that illustrate the physics underneath great ideas.

Images are touchstones
for great ideas.

A single illustration can transform confusion into comprehension. We specialize in illustration-by-design: accurate, intuitive, and visually appealing.

Our Process

  • Capture the design in a physics model.
  • Compute the relevant physical quantities.
  • Illustrate the connection between the design and the physical quantities.
Mechanical stress and deformation in an aluminum bracket.
Axially-directed electric field in a ferrite due to a changing current passing through it.

Our Products

  • Multiphysics simulations.
  • Quantitative visualizations.
  • Physics-based engineering consulting.
  • US-based support.

Our Mission

  • Make computational physics tools more accessible to engineers and scientists.
  • Provide flexible surge support to technical teams.
  • Multiply team productivity by accelerating the design cycle.